Turn Yourself Into A Domestic Cleaning Goddess in Soho!

Posted on 16/12/2014

How to Be a Domestic Goddes

Are you sick of being the friend who is always doing their cleaning at the last minute? Are there pots and pans piled high in your kitchen in Soho and stains building up on the carpets? If so, maybe it’s time to make a few little changes and become a domestic cleaning goddess! You’ll be amazed at just how much of a difference a few little tweaks can make and how much better your house will look as a result. So stop running round in a panic and sit down with the following guide.

Firstly, if you want to stop stressing about the state of your house in Soho, W1 then it is important that you make a realistic plan about what you can fit into your schedule. It doesn’t have to be whole days or evening, just a few half hours before or after you finish work. While a timetable may not sound like a lot of fun, if you have a schedule then you are less likely to stress out about how much you have to do and more likely to stick to it.

After you’ve made your plan it is always a good idea to go and get the products that you need. Whether its dusters, scourers, floor cleansers or vacuum bags you need, once you’ve got it all there’s no reason not to get stuck in. If you hate getting your hands dirty then remember to pick up some rubber gloves, these will keep your hands clean and your nails pristine!

So now you’ve got your timetable sorted and your cupboard is full, it is time to get started on your actual house cleaning. Simple things like washing up and surface wiping should be done on a regular basis, while bigger jobs like oven cleaning and upholstery cleaning can be done more infrequently. If you want to give yourself a blank canvas to work with then hiring a professional agency can get you off to a good start and can give you a good idea of what you’re aiming for when you’re ready to go it alone.

Simple things like bleaching your tile grout and buffing up your taps can make an instant difference to your home in Soho and can make you the go-to person for cleaning tips amongst your peer group.

If you want to become a real home cleaning goddess then remember that having good attention to detail is a must. No carpets should be left stained, no sofa un-cleaned and no windows marked. Intensive carpet cleaning treatments can help to remove stains and dust, while specialist sofa treatments are great for giving your living room a boost. Professional upholstery cleaning can even make your furnishings look better than ever before and can make your living areas into a real design feature.

So if you’ve always wanted to be a master cleaner, start putting your plan into action. Stock up your cupboards and make a fixed schedule and watch your home in the W1 become the talk of the town. Sparkling windows, gleaming tiles and pristine furnishings will make your home the place to be and will leave all of your friends wondering how you turned it around. Remember that professional cleaning services can get better results on some of your household items so don’t think that you have to go it alone! All domestic cleaning goddesses need some help from time to time so don’t be afraid to give an agency a call!

Jamie Oldman
Jamie Oldman

Leveraging his expertise as a seasoned cleaning specialist, Jamie has supported numerous customers in obtaining the sanitized property they longed for. His writings emphasize sustainable cleaning practices and hassle-free services.