How To Clean Your Oven And Your Microwave In Kensington

Posted on 15/07/2015

What is Best Way to Clean Your  Oven and Microwave?

Probably one of the most dreaded house cleaning tasks in Kensington is the nasty areas that lurk within your kitchen. There is a price that comes with a keen cooker and regular dinner parties and that is that spillages cannot be avoided. At some point or another grease, spills and burnt food will build up in your oven and your microwave and get so stuck on that you feel you might have to invest in a sledgehammer to remove the stuff. There is no need to throw away your cookbook and turn to take away, however. Oven cleaning doesn’t have to be the nightmare it may seem.

- Find your poison. You need a product that is going to help you tackle these troublesome stains. You may find you want to turn to cleaning services, which is fine if that is the route you want to go down. Cleaning agencies in Kensington, W8 will probably provide you with a pretty decent quote if you specify that you are just looking for an oven clean or kitchen clean. However, if you are aiming to get amazing results yourself then there is nothing you can’t do that professional cleaners can. There are plenty of oven cleaners on the market that ranges from price to effectiveness. Leave on versions tend to be the best in order to allow things to soak in. If you are looking for a more homemade eco-friendly style, then the best place to go is to look online. There are plenty of recipes that you may already have the ingredients for sitting in your cupboard, especially if you are a keen cook. Adding a few drops of essential oil can really make any product smell amazing and therefore your oven too.

- Leave to soak and heat slightly. One your product is getting to work, it’s often a good idea to turn the oven on a low heat. Check the instructions on any cleaning product you have bought to make sure this is okay. Homemade recipes will work much better with a little heat. You will want to leave the product working for a while especially for a thorough clean such as a move out clean in SW7 which you may have more time put aside to leave things to get working for a while. Try heating some water and lemon juice in the microwave so that the steam helps lift off any unwanted grease and grime. The lemon will add a lovely fragrance as well as its cleaning and antibacterial qualities.

- Use good scrubbing equipment. As with any domestic clean in the W8 area, you will need some elbow grease and a scrubber. A sponge with a rough side is great or a wire dishcloth. You can use the back of a knife for any really stuck on areas that haven’t lifted with the heat and a toothbrush is a really great tool to get into corners or edges. Use an old cloth to keep removing any old bits you lift off. It’s a good idea to have a bucket and clean water handy to keep your area clean.

- Use a microfiber cloth. Once you have got just about all the last bits off then you can use a cloth to wipe over the rest. Getting that excess moisture off so you can really admire your handy work.

Cooking should be fun, don’t let getting the oven dirty put you off. Keeping on top of kitchen cleaning in Kensington can lessen big jobs and put the joy back into your cooking again.

Jamie Oldman
Jamie Oldman

Leveraging his expertise as a seasoned cleaning specialist, Jamie has supported numerous customers in obtaining the sanitized property they longed for. His writings emphasize sustainable cleaning practices and hassle-free services.